Home Services Repairing and renewing pneumatic cylinders
Repairing and renewing pneumatic cylinders

Repairing and renewing pneumatic cylinders

Monojet Ltd. represents Vesta Automation's pneumatic products (valves, actuators, air preparation units, filters, fittings, tubes, etc.).

In addition to the sale and representation of these products we also deal independently from the brand with the repairing of pneumatic and hydraulic actuators.

Our experience shows that in many cases the cost savings is high by the repairing of pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders. Of course this depends on several factors, e.g. on the size of the cylinder, whether the cylinder is protected by the manufacturer as a special cylinder, whether the cylinder is without piston rod or whether the cylinder has already been removed from the manufacturer’s range and it is no longer produced and the necessary components as well.

Averagely in 90% the repairing or renewing of the cylinders without piston rod is more favourable regarding the costs as buying a new one. In case of the cylinders which are protected by the manufacturer, this ratio is 100%. We do not only use factory remanufacture kits for the refurbishments, if necessary we can custom manufacture the spare parts with the help of our contracted partner.

A test does not cost you anything we disassemble and inspect the cylinder and if it is repairable, we will make you an offer and you decide whether you want us to repair or not.

Cases, where it is worth a try to have your cylinder overhauled:
- Large pneumatic cylinders
- Hydraulic cylinders
- Linear cylinders without piston rod
- Manufacturer protected special cylinders
- Old cylinders which are no longer produced by the manufacturer